How Akshaya Patra Foundation Feeds Over 1.8 Million Children Every Day?

1.8 million+ children!

Is it really possible to feed so many children in 1 single day?

Indeed, it is a humongous task but if the entire community works in unison with a children charity or an NGO, it is achievable.

One such NGO is The Akshaya Patra Foundation which is registered as a not-for-profit organisation under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882. It implements the Mid-Day Meal Scheme across 12 States and 2 Union Territories of India.

Feed 1.8 million children

Akshaya Patra was started in the year 2000 by feeding 1,500 children in Bengaluru, Karnataka. As of today, it feeds 18,02,517 children studying in 16,856 Government and Government-aided schools located in 51 locations across India. It works with a vision that ‘No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger.’ The Foundation aims to feed 5 million children by 2025.

But how does Akshaya Patra aim to accomplish those numbers?

Akshaya Patra provides freshly cooked, nutritious mid-day meals to children in order to help them in their overall development. The Foundation operates from 52 kitchens out of which, 50 kitchens are Centralized kitchens and 2 are Decentralized kitchens.

Centralized kitchen

Centralized kitchens are present in 50 locations of India and have a capacity to feed 25,000 to 1,00,000 meals a day. These kitchens are located in urban and semi-urban areas.

Decentralized Kitchen

A decentralized kitchen is set up in locations that are remote and not easily accessible. Such kitchens do not have a great connectivity which makes it difficult to set up a large infrastructure. It is operated by women Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and monitored by Akshaya Patra supervisors.


Mid-day meals have several benefits

It might sound like a small school lunch for many of us, but it makes a huge difference in the lives of children who come from challenging backgrounds where having a square meal once a day is an achievement. This is why parents of such children rely on school mid-day meals. Mid-day meals benefit children in different ways:

Put the below points in smart art form.

  • It improves nutritional levels in children who consume mid-day meals. Mid-day meals are packed with nutritional content.
  • It increases the rate of school enrolment since a school lunch can act as a catalyst in bringing back children to school every day
  • It increases their attention span and helps them focus better in their classrooms
  • It ensures proper cognitive and physical development of children studying in schools
  • It helps in reducing the school drop-out rates

You can help children by sponsoring their school lunches at ₹1100 and help them enjoy locally palatable meals for an entire academic year. You can contribute directly to help school children or by taking part in various volunteering opportunities available with Akshaya Patra.

Show your support to feed 1.8 million children!

Sponsor their meals & save tax too!

Akshaya Patra’s journey of nourishing children

Didn’t we all wait for the lunch bell to ring during schooldays?
Didn’t we all wait share our lunch with friends?
We did!

Schooldays – a treasure trove of memories, days of new lessons, secrets with friends, and so much more with nibbling lunch at the last bench while the class is on being one of the fondest of memories! Truly, nothing can replace the days we spent at school! Such is the story of millions of children today as they get a chance to attend school. Yes, there is a significant number of children who are able to receive schooling only because of the provision of free lunch at school, the Mid-Day Meal Programme.

Akshaya Patra - nourishing children since 2000.jpg

What’s free lunch?

On 28 November 2001, the Supreme Court of India passed a mandate stating,

“We direct the State Governments/Union Territories to implement the Mid-Day Meal Scheme by providing every child in every Government and Government assisted Primary School with a prepared mid-day meal.

This was a significant intervention in promoting education and supporting education-related schemes and programmes.

In order to amplify the impact of the Mid-Day Meal Programme, several NGOs joined hands with the Government to implement it across India. Thus, this programme is now implemented by both Government and NGOs. For those families belonging to socio-economically challenging backgrounds, the provision of this free meal acts as an incentive to choose school over work for their children. has potentially resulted in:

  1. Increase in enrolment
  2. Improved attendance and regularity
  3. Countering classroom hunger
  4. Improved health
  5. Enhanced concentration during class hours
  6. Increased participation in school activities
  7. Reduced drop-out rate

Akshaya Patra’s journey in Mid-Day Meal Programme

The Akshaya Patra Foundation is a mid-day meal NGO implementing the Mid-Day Meal Programme since 2000. Initially, it began feeding 1,500 children in five Government schools in Bengaluru. Witnessing the need of mid-day meals, the NGO inferred that there is a bigger need for these meals. Hence, it gradually expanded its operations and presently, this NGO provides freshly cooked wholesome lunch to 17,65,597 children studying in 15,668 Government & Government-aided schools. These schools are situated in 45 locations across Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, and Uttar Pradesh.

Feed a child with Akshaya Patra

Mid-day meal NGOs like Akshaya Patra not only fills hungry stomachs but also nurtures ambitions of young children. So, when you support to feed a child or two through these NGOs, it results in promoting education as well as preparing them to be resourceful citizens in the near future. Join in the journey of Akshaya Patra and help it reach its vision of ‘No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger’.

Step ahead, support NGO and create a future you desire to see!


Schools are going to reopen – Support Akshaya Patra

Akshaya Patra: Unlimited food for children education. Rs 675 donation can feed a child for an entire year! 

Your Rs 675 donation will have impact on children’s lives:

1) Concentration on education

2) Participation in competitions

3) Not affected by diseases… (Cause: Providing Nutritional meal)





N- Number of beneficiaries from one of the largest NGO in India The Akshaya Patra Foundation.

Mid Day Meal

Mid Day Meal

Read more…

Schools are going to reopen – Support Akshaya Patra

Akshaya Patra: Unlimited food for children education. Rs 675 donation can feed a child for an entire year! 

Your Rs 675 donation will have impact on children’s lives:

1) Concentration on education

2) Participation in competitions

3) Not affected by diseases… (Cause: Providing Nutritional meal)





N- Number of beneficiaries from one of the largest NGO in India The Akshaya Patra Foundation.

Mid Day Meal

Mid Day Meal

Read more…


Mid Day Meal Program India – Akshaya Patra

The economy in India is growing rapidly, but not fast enough to take care of its millions of poor and hungry children. Special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro reports on a solution that has resulted in the world’s largest school lunch program.

Support Akshaya Patra by donate money:


Mid Day Meal Program India – Akshaya Patra

The economy in India is growing rapidly, but not fast enough to take care of its millions of poor and hungry children. Special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro reports on a solution that has resulted in the world’s largest school lunch program.

Support Akshaya Patra by donate money:

Come and Join, we can change the world on this Hunger Day – Akshaya Patra

Why hunger? This is indeed a very deplorable situation which does need an “immediate” attention, even though it is not an illustrious crisis.  Notably, most of the deaths from hunger which are happening all over the world are not because of any natural calamities! Although deaths caused by hunger at the time of natural calamities do exist; it takes only a 10% of total death by hunger’s share. The rest 90% of death is a grand courtesy of chronic hunger! It is drastically spreading to all corners of the world and also rooting strongly in the parts like Africa, Latin America and South Asia.

This entrenched hunger problem is not only due to food scarcity, but also due to deficiency in many aspects. Many people fail to earn income for their daily share of bread because of reasons like: lack of skills and education. Again, the underprivileged sadly have to surrender to chronic hunger to health due to the absence of hospitals, medicines, funds and knowledge about it. These aspects strengthen chronic hunger, therefore, the underprivileged are always in search for a helping hand to raise their voice. Thus “World Hunger Day” was coined to create an awareness of these kinds of situations.

Let us join hands with The Akshaya Patra Foundation to eradicate hunger. Let us support us on this noble cause to eventuate a “Hunger Free World”.  Sponsor Food for Children for this World hunger day 2012.  

Worlds Hunger Day 2012 at May 28 – Akshaya Patra

Children, once hit by chronic hunger, their education become the primary target! They tend to withdraw their rights to education and health. 12.6 million Children in India seek to work to gratify their self’s and family’s needs of hunger.

Let us join hands with The Akshaya Patra Foundation to eradicate hunger. Let us support us on this noble cause to eventuate a “Hunger Free World”.

Sponsor Food for Children for this hunger day 2012.