Nutrition and Education: The key to empowerment of girls

“We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back. We call upon our sisters around the world to be brave, to embrace the strength within themselves and realise their full potential.”

– Malala Yousafzai

Despite the fact that children worldwide still have to deal with hardships in the twenty-first century, girls in particular experience different forms of discrimination, exploitation and oppression because of their gender, they break all odds. 

According to numerous studies conducted by non-governmental organisations, national reports and figures from the UN, girls on the whole have lower literacy rates, receive less health care and are more frequently poor than males. These circumstances typically persist as girls develop into women.

The world’s girls are disproportionately affected by gender discrimination, which begins in childhood and continues to deprive them of their childhoods and limit their opportunities. A girl is much more likely to be denied her rights, prevented from attending school and subjected to different forms of coercions.

Every boy and girl should have an equal chance to live and prosper. The Akshaya Patra Foundation – one of India’s largest Mid-Day Meal NGOs, has long been regarded as the champion of gender neutrality and has been serving both male female children since 22 years.   

The Mid-Day Meal Programme (currently known as PM Poshan Abhiyaan), Digital Education Programme and AVSAR Scholarship Programme has been working for years to provide quality nutrition and education to children from underprivileged communities, in order to prepare them to become the leaders and changemakers of the future. 

We believe that food and education are key instruments that girls must use to reach their full potential by developing the skills and attitudes that put them on the road to social and economic empowerment.

More Power To Them!

Not much attention is being given to health due to insufficient doctors. The doctor to patient ratio is sympathetic as at the moment it stands at 1: 1000 a day. This results in a high mortality rate among children and the aged. I want to make a difference in the field of health care. Now that I have the tab, I can start preparing for entrance examinations,” she says. Pallavi is a beneficiary of the Digital Education Programme.

Premalatha thanks The Foundation for the AVSAR Scholarship that helped her succeed. She says she is independent today because of The Foundation’s support.​ Premalatha is a beneficiary of the AVSAR Scholarship Programme.

Over the years, Akshaya Patra has been providing nutrition and educational opportunity to girls from challenging socio-economic communities of India.

When you donate towards the cause of the organisation, you also qualify for a 50% tax exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act as Akshaya Patra is registered under Section 12 A of the IT Act.

This National Girl Child Day, take a vow to stop gender discrimination.

Donate now and save tax!

Saving Lives and Spreading Smiles

Financial insufficiency and lack of opportunities push one towards economic, political and social deprivation. Consequently, they receive inadequate nutrition, run a higher risk of contracting diseases and lack access to basic healthcare facilities. 

If we don’t intervene, they may be stuck in this cycle for years together. 

So, what can save them? What are the essentials they need to survive? And how can we support them?

Food, Education, Shelter and Security

Food, education, shelter and security are the necessities for any individual to survive. If one can access these daily, it is enough to improve their lifestyle. But millions struggle without them and long for our support.

However, we may be caught up in our busy schedules, making it difficult to support the marginalised even though we have the heart to donate.

But here’s the good news!
We now have online platforms and NGOs that can help you save lives and spread smiles among the underprivileged people from where you are. 

How can you save lives through online platforms?

  • Raise your voice and create awareness on social media platforms. It will connect supporters and NGOs who can help the affected people through new programmes. 
  • Start fundraising campaigns with third-party websites and spread the word among your social network to contribute. Attach a description, if possible, to help them understand your motive behind the initiative.
  • You can purchase products online from brands that donate a portion of their earnings to charity.
  • The most convenient and commonly chosen method is to visit the websites of recognised NGOs and contribute to one of their programmes.

NGOs versus direct donations

When you donate to underprivileged individuals directly, you are helping them only for a day or two. But when you support NGOs, you let the experts invest your money to provide marginalised people with opportunities for long-term progress. Through the well-researched programmes, you not only help them survive but also enable them to learn, persevere and grow. Here’s how you can proceed.

  • Visit NGO websites and choose a cause close to your heart.
  • You can click on any programme and go through its description and impact.
  • Once you select one, make your donation with a few clicks.
  • Alternatively, you can also start fundraising campaigns with most of these NGOs.

One such recognised NGO in India is The Akshaya Patra Foundation. 

We started in 2000 by feeding 1,500 children in five Government schools of Bengaluru, Karnataka. Today, we serve unlimited and locally-palatable meals for the education of 20,10,516 (2 million) underprivileged children daily in 22,367 schools across 14 states and 2 union territories under the PM Poshan Abhiyaan (formerly known as the Mid-Day Meal Programme or MDM). 

Though we started with dedicated programmes for the welfare of children, we have also been able to help vulnerable families during the COVID-19 pandemic, disaster victims, nursing mothers, pregnant women and homeless mothers because of our donors across the world.

Benefits of feeding underprivileged children

  • When you feed underprivileged children, you not only guarantee their bright futures with unlimited food and education but also assure economic stability for their families. Your contribution will allow all their succeeding generations to continue moving forward toward success and prosperity. 
  • Your contribution towards the PM Poshan Abhiyaan (the new version of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme or MDM) will not only serve lunch to Government and Government-aided school children but also teach them to grow food through nutrition gardens. The new scheme provides supplementary nutrition for anaemic children where specialists frequently check the beneficiaries’ nutritional levels to prevent deficiencies and illnesses. Moreover, it also empowers women’s Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) by sourcing locally grown nutrition-rich food items. Hence, you will be supporting a revolutionary step towards a self-sufficient India.
  • Along with the joy of making an impact, you will receive monetary benefits. By supporting our NGO in India, you will avail a 50% tax exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act as we are registered u/s 12A of the IT Act.

Donate to an NGO

Obstacles in your way of helping people are a thing of the past. Online donations have made it a matter of a few minutes.

So, let’s not wait to make India a happy country. Let’s contribute to make basic resources such as food, education and security easily available to everyone. Donate for a cause of your choice today!

Empowering Children With Food And Education

Every expanding economy must consider nutrition.

According to UNICEF, acute undernutrition in India causes wasting in 20% of children under the age of five. India is home to more than one third of the world’s wasted children. 43 percent of Indian children under the age of five are underweight, and 48 percent, or 61 million children, are stunted as a result of persistent malnutrition.

In our nation, nutrition and education have traditionally gone hand in hand. Lack of education frequently results in ignorance of the value of nutrition and lack of understanding of balanced meals. Children who live below the poverty line, where eating full meals is a luxury, frequently choose not to pursue their education in order to obtain employment that will allow them to buy food. The Akshaya Patra Foundation runs the Mid-Day Meal Scheme or MDM under the Government’s PM Poshan Abhiyaan, which allows students to get free and nutritious lunch at school, in an effort to attract more children to enrol in school and support them to continue their education.

Giving Wings To Dreams Of Children

Majority of children, who attend the school that Geetha (name changed) is the head teacher of in the Unkal district of Karnataka, only attend for the meals served as a part of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme. She adds that the meals served in school also acts as one of the most significant incentives for parents to enrol their wards to schools thus helping them to continue their education and follow their dreams and aspirations. This also helps parents ensure that their child gets an access to at least one wholesome meal every day.

Akshaya Patra is cognizant of the immediate and enduring effects of midday meals. As a result, this NGO feeds and nourishes over 2 million Government school children across the country every day, thus encouraging them to dream of a better and brighter tomorrow.

To support the nutrition and education of children in need, donate online!

Transforming India through Digital Education

Every year on November 11, National Education Day is observed to honour Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, India’s first Minister of Education. He was a brilliant leader and thinker who made enormous contributions in the field of education.

We honour his achievements on this day and reaffirm our dedication to offering high-quality education to every child apart from feeding them. We also honour the numerous accomplishments of our students and teachers as well as the advancements made in India’s educational system. The significance of education as a human right and a driver of social change is also recognised on this day.

Apart from feeding children through the PM Poshan Abhiyaan (previously known as the Mid-Day Meal Scheme), Akshaya Patra has been a pioneer in promoting education among the underprivileged sections of the community. From creating opportunities for children to pursue quality education, the Foundation has continuously strived to eliminate classroom hunger and to provide the latest educational tools and techniques to children who have restricted access to opportunities.

Keeping up with the theme of National Education Day and in the quest to provide holistic development to children and support them to pursue their dreams, Akshaya Patra started its Digital Education Programme under the organisation’s Beyond The Meals initiative.

The initiative will provide students with access to digital devices and world-class digital learning platform with professionally curated content and equip teachers with tech-enabled teaching tools, to make teaching an interesting experience. It will also help aspiring medical and engineering students in their preparation for competitive exams such as NEET and JEE.

Let’s have a look at how the Digital Education Programme has impacted the lives of a few beneficiaries of The Akshaya Patra Foundation.

To contribute towards a child’s happier and brighter tomorrow, donate online!

Akshaya Patra steers closer to its vision; hits a new milestone

Akshaya Patra now delivers 2 MILLION smiles DAILY!

The esteemed 21-year-old NGO in India achieved its new feeding landmark in September, nourishing 2 million children daily! It includes children receiving food under the Midday Meal Scheme (MDM) and the Anganwadi Feeding Programme that nourishes nursing mothers along with their infants.

In the past, Akshaya Patra has been instrumental in bringing policy reforms around the Midday Meal Scheme (MDM)(now the PM Poshan Abhiyaan) and improving the nutritional value for its beneficiaries. Studies suggest that regular mid-day meal consumption reduced the chances of children being underweight and obese. It enhanced their chances of being in the average weight and overweight category along with being from short to normal in height. They also became healthier and less susceptible to anaemia, fever, diarrhoea and cough.

But with the pandemic making matters worse for underprivileged families in India, there was an immediate need to uplift them socioeconomically and bring their children back to school. Therefore, the organisation launched new initiatives in the year 2022 to reach, nourish and support more marginalised people across the country.

Akshaya Patra’s reach with new initiatives

1) Inauguration of 4 new kitchens

Akshaya Patra inaugurated four new kitchens in the first few months of 2022:

  • 62nd kitchen in Varanasi, Gujarat: feeds over 100,000 children in 282 schools
  • 63rd kitchen in Dehradun, Uttarakhand: feeds over 11,900 children in 132 schools
  • 64th kitchen in Mansa, Gujarat: feeds over 26,000 children in 190 schools
  • 65th kitchen in Jorhat, Assam: feeds over 10,070 children in 156 schools

Contributions from generous donors like The Hans Foundation and the IndusInd Bank made these kitchen constructions possible. Many delegates, including Shri Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India and Shri Amit Shah, the Home Minister of India, attended the inaugurations and pledged their support for the NGO’s endeavours.

2) Breakfast Feeding Programme

A review of studies around providing free school breakfast proved that it ensures adequate nutrition and energy in children to attend daily classes with improved concentration and interest. They come to school regularly, cultivate good behaviour and show improved academic performance. It also reduces expenditure in lower-income households, giving them the incentive to send their children to schools. Also, students who skip breakfast show increased errors and have slower memory recall. 

Therefore, a well-designed, hygienic and nutritious diet would help children—and the Indian population in the long run—to recover from widespread undernourishment. Keeping this in mind, Akshaya Patra started serving breakfast in addition to mid-day meals in Government schools.

3) Millets in mid-day meals of Government school children

To improve nutrition for children as part of the PM Poshan Abhiyaan, Akshaya Patra signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Nutrihub, the Indian Institute of Millets Research (IIMR) and the Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) in August. It aims to introduce millets in the meals for Government school children in Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and eventually, across the country.

Millets are proven to have five times higher nutritional content when compared with rice and wheat. They will digest well, strengthen the nervous system, reduce cholesterol, prevent heart disease, protect against diabetes, lower cancer risks, increase energy levels and nourish the muscular system in millions of underprivileged children in India, thus boosting their physical and mental health.

These small-grained cereal crops are also rich in complex carbohydrates, dietary fibre, medicinal properties, iron, zinc, calcium, niacin, B6, folic acid, potassium, phosphorous and magnesium, which are essential to curb the problem of malnutrition in India.

Furthermore, millets are native to India. They can be grown in low fertile soils with low inputs of fertilisers and pesticides, adding to the nation’s sustainable food-growing practices.

4) Sustainable food production methods

The programmes run by Akshaya Patra directly impact the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7, which are also the priority of the Indian Government.

Its kitchens are known worldwide for following advanced manufacturing practices and international standards of hygiene and quality, thus ensuring that the most nutritious meals reach the beneficiaries.

Now, with the new state-of-the-art kitchens, the NGO in India proves its constant efforts to integrate sustainability into its food production processes. They use solar panels for electricity generation with a heat pump and solar water heater to boil water.

Towards a sustainable future of India

The new model of the PM Poshan Abhiyaan will also allow the children to grow their own food and kitchens will source raw materials locally, thus making the mid-day meal ecosystem more self-reliant, organic and sustainable. With regular checks on each child’s nutrition levels by experts, children will recover from learning and nutrient loss more quickly. But all this is possible only with consistent support from donors!

When ₹2500 can support a child with breakfast, lunch and education for an academic year, why can each one of us not donate the minimum we can?

So, let’s end the wait and endless discussion on problems. Let’s bring health, education and opportunities to millions of underprivileged children with a few clicks online!

Our online donations can shape India’s future. Let’s contribute.

Akshaya Patra reaches a new milestone; nourishes 2 MILLION dreams daily!

The world recognises India as a country of great economic and cultural importance. In recent years, there has also been a growing consensus that our country will be pivotal in driving global growth.

As our Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi said “when India grows, the world grows; when India reforms, the world transforms.”

Today, we are also one of the leading nations to adopt massive sustainable development practices such as minimising carbon footprint and uplifting millions of our citizens from the grips of insufficiency and vulnerability.

When the whole world has placed its trust in our nation, it’s time we at Akshaya Patra—an esteemed NGO in India—pulled up our sleeves to support Government endeavours and nurture the dreams of our underprivileged but talented citizens.

And so we did!

Now Akshaya Patra reaches 65 locations, nourishing over 2 million (20,10,516) children in 22,367 schools across India every day of the year.

It includes feeding children under the Anganwadi Programme and the PM Poshan Abhiyaan (formerly known as the Midday Meal Scheme [mdm]).

There’s more to celebrate!

The year 2022 has been special with the inauguration of our new kitchens and hitting the new feeding milestone with online donations from our compassionate supporters.

“Feeding 3 million children by 2025” will be a reality soon.

Moreover, the new model of the Midday Meal Scheme (MDM) as the PM Poshan Abhiyaan will give better development opportunities for underprivileged people.

  • When children grow their own food, they will simultaneously take steps to be self-reliable.
  • When we source raw materials locally for school meals, we will empower the farmers and other workers of the region.
  • When experts regularly check every child’s nutrition levels, the children will grow up healthy without deficiencies and chronic diseases.

Our NGO in India is also taking initiatives to further improve nutrition in the meals we serve and make our cooking processes more sustainable. Some of such initiatives are:

  • Introduction of millets in school meals

Millets are small-grained cereal food crops with five times higher nutritional content when compared with rice and wheat. They are rich in complex carbohydrates, dietary fibre, medicinal properties, iron, zinc, calcium and other nutrients that are essential for curbing the problem of malnutrition in India.

Moreover, they have a higher content of niacin, B6, folic acid, potassium, phosphorous and magnesium which will help us include more micronutrients in the food we serve. They are also easy to digest and known for strengthening the nervous system.

Therefore, adding millets to school meals will help enhance the digestion process, reduce cholesterol, prevent heart disease, protect against diabetes, lower cancer risks, increase energy levels and improve the muscular system in millions of underprivileged children in India.

Finally, since these crops are native to India and can be grown in low fertile soils with low inputs of fertilisers and pesticides, they also prove to be an integral part of sustainable food-growing practices.

Hence, we have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Nutrihub, the Indian Institute of Millets Research (IIMR) and the Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) to introduce millets in the mid-day meal menu for children in Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and eventually, across the country.

  • Building sustainable kitchen infrastructure

Our kitchens are known worldwide for following advanced manufacturing practices and international standards of hygiene and quality, thus ensuring that the most nutritious meals reach our beneficiaries.

Now with our new kitchens, we constantly put efforts to integrate sustainability with our state-of-the-art kitchens. For instance, we use solar panels for electricity production with a heat pump and solar water heater to boil water during food production. 

Final Thoughts

As we approach the end of the year, let’s pledge to strive harder in the coming year keeping in mind our ultimate goals of empowering the marginalised.

Let’s reach every corner of our nation where the underserved communities await a helping hand and a secure life!

Reducing Child Malnutrition with healthy meals

Malnourishment is a silent killer that does not spare even the lives of little children. It is one of the major causes of death of children under the age of five.

Malnutrition is the cause of death of close to half the children in Asia and Africa below five years.

Insufficient nutrition increases susceptibility to various infections and leads to delayed recovery. Three important factors that estimate malnourishment are stunting (low height with respect to age), wasting (low weight for height) and underweight (low weight for age).

Malnourishment in childhood reduces the quality of adulthood

The first 1000 days of a child’s life decide if the child is more likely to be healthy or suffer from malnutrition. This means to say that, poor nutrition of a mother during her pregnancy could lead to a stunted childhood. These stunted children tend to be shorter and weaker. They often have impaired mental development and also tend to perform low in school making them more likely to take up low-payment jobs. Hence, they are unable to provide for their children.

Thus it is imperative to work towards nourishing the present generation of children so that they can contribute directly to the health of the next one.

According to the World Bank, close to 1/3rd of stunted children (below 5 years), live in India.

PM POSHAN Abhiyaan (earlier known as the MidDay Meal Scheme) is one intervention that could reduce these numbers drastically.

Let us take the example of person ‘X’ from a low-income family. He is a daily-wage worker whose salary or savings is not enough to take care of his wife and children. To become a helping hand to the family’s financial situation, he sends his child to work so that he can get some more money for the family’s food. He does not give a choice to his child to choose.

Now, let’s think of another situation where ‘Y’ is a daily-wage worker who is struggling to make ends meet to feed his family of three (along with his wife and child). They are aware of the Government’s MDM scheme and send their child to a nearby Government school with the thought that at least the child will be able to enjoy one proper, wholesome meal once a day. By doing so, they are playing a major role in the child’s education too. These school meals become a reason for the child to attend school without missing even a single day.

This is the power of school meals.

Midday meals (MDM) served as a part of this programme not only give an incentive for parents to send their children to school but also become a reason for children to get educated for the long term.

Providing nutrition; food for children

Mid-day meals become a source of nutrition in children. They help in their physical and cognitive development. How?

Here’s how:

  • School meals take care of all the essential nutritional requirements of a child. It helps the child develop in a healthy manner. These meals provided as a part of the PM POSHAN Abhiyaan, take care of carbohydrates, essential fats, proteins, fortified salt, etc.
  • Meals nourish children inside-out, providing them with the right energy to expend it by participating in various sports and co-curricular activities. A well-nourished child can play well when compared to a malnourished child.
  • It reduces risk the of diseases providing good immunity. Meals prevent diseases like anaemia, partial blindness and give them the strength to fight common diseases like cold, flu, etc.
  • Free school meals give them access to education. When children start coming to school on a regular basis, they also get tuned to receiving education on a daily basis.

NGOs play a major role in the implementation the of provision of mid-day meals. The Akshaya Patra Foundation is one such organisation that helps children from low-income sections gain the above benefits. It has been serving school meals since 2000 and has grown from feeding 1,500 children to close to 2 million children every day.

Donate online to such NGOs that play an important role to nourish children. You never know how your help could transform the lives of either children or their families or a community on the whole. Extend your support in whichever way possible. Because no support is small help, it has the potential to change lives.

Importance of Akshaya Patra’s Nutritious Food for Children

Most of the kids these days are generally hooked up on junk food.

As a result of which, children land up eating smaller portions of nutritious food.

Peer pressure, TV commercials, roadside eateries and fried food create battles between parents and their children.

Importance of nutrition in children

Ensuring that children eat a well-balanced diet is crucial for their growth and development. Children constantly grow at a rapid rate outgrowing their clothes. What fits them today may not fit in the next 1 month or so. So be prepared to keep investing in good food and some clothes.

Nutrition can also help in establishing a strong foundation for healthy eating habits. These habits inculcated at a very young age will most likely be carried on to the adulthood stage too. This means that if you teach your child to eat carrots over finger chips, this habit may last throughout their lifetime.

Eating nutritious food also has another long-term effect on children. It helps in building immunity and resistance to nutrition-related diseases that can kick in early in the adulthood stages of life. For example, eating fried food frequently results in high cholesterol levels during early adulthood leading to further complications.

Understanding the importance of healthy meals at a very young age, it was necessary to make healthy meals accessible to children of all walks of life. For children who are privileged, healthy meals are easily accessible.

But, what about children who come from challenging backgrounds?

Can they afford healthy meals?

Meals are a huge ask in itself, healthy meals are beyond their affordability.

Then what is their next possible solution?

For most parents, sending children to Government schools means free food for children in school. These meals become the reason why parents don’t mind sending their children to school rather than pushing them to work as a helping hand to their family’s financial situation.

To encourage more parents to send their children to school, the Government of India made provisions under the PM POSHAN Abhiyaan to serve nutritious mid-day meals to children.

The Akshaya Patra Foundation is an NGO in India that implements the world’s largest school feeding programme.

Akshaya Patra is spread across 65 locations and caters to every day nutritional requirements of 1.8 million beneficiaries with mid-day meals. It caters to the local palates of children spread across 14 states and 2 union territories.

By providing unlimited food for education of children, this NGO in India supports the health and nutrition of children.

Children who initially do not value education, start coming to school to get education and realise the importance of studying and achieving. When they become regular at school, they feel that they too play an important in society.

Make an online donation to give wings to children, to make them realise that their dreams can come true too.

PM Narendra Modi Inaugurates Akshaya Patra’s 62nd kitchen in Varanasi

Food is a basic essential for the development of children.

Food and education always go hand in hand.

When a child is well fed and educated, s/he becomes able to pave his future.

Government’s intervention to feed children

NITI Aayog has identified certain districts of India with a high level of malnutrition. To support children in these areas and all over the nation, the Government of India started the PM Poshan Abhiyaan which was earlier known as the Mid-Day Meal Programme.

It was mandated in 2001 that every child studying in Government, Government-aided schools and Education Guarantee Scheme centres receive school meals as a part of this programme. The name of this Mid-Day Meal Scheme was changed to Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman Scheme (PM POSHAN Abhiyaan) in September 2021. This programme has shown positive effects.

Parents who were not able to afford sending their child/ren to schools due to their financial constraints eagerly sent their children for the free nutritious food being supplied.

Benefits of mid-day meals

  • Nourishes children
  • Improves immunity
  • Makes children regular to school
  • Helps them focus
  • Improves memory and retention rate

The Akshaya Patra Foundation is an NGO in India that is the implementer of the PM POSHAN scheme (formerly known as the Mid-Day Meal Programme) that benefits 1.8 million children studying in Government and Government-aided schools in 14 states and 2 union territories of India. With its decentralised and centralised kitchens spread across 63 locations, this NGO in India caters to the nutritional needs of children.

Akshaya Patra works under a Public Private Partnership model and has been running the school lunch programme for the last 21 years with strong support from the Government, donors and corporate partners.

Akshaya Patra inaugurates 62nd kitchen

On 7 July 2022, the Honourable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated The Akshaya Patra Foundation’s new kitchen in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. This is the fifth centralised kitchen in the state after Lucknow, Vrindavan, Gorakhpur and Mant.

Honourable Governor, Smt Anandiben Patel and Honourable Chief Minister, Shri Yogi Adityanath accompanied the Prime Minister. This kitchen was supported by Westbridge Capital. The event was presided by Shri Madhu Pandit Dasa, Chairman – Akshaya Patra, and Shri Chanchalapathi Dasa, Vice-Chairman.

This event was followed by a visit to the newest kitchen. The Prime Minister, Chief Minister and Governor along with other dignitaries were given a tour of the Akshaya Patra kitchen.

Details of the Akshaya Patra Kitchen in Varanasi

  • Spread over an area of 3 acres
  • Capacity to feed 1,00,000 children
  • High standards of hygiene, food safety and quality
  • Roti machine makes 40,000 rotis/hour
  • 700-litre capacity rice cauldron with hydraulic system
  • 1,200-litre capacity dal cauldron with automatic motors
  • Reverse Osmosis plant for water purification
  • Solar panels for electricity production
  • Heat pump and solar water heater to boil water

Once all the dignitaries visited the kitchen facility, the Honourable Prime Minister gathered with children who showcased their talents by singing, dancing, reciting shlokas, performing yoga asanas, etc.

The Prime Minister also served meals to children to mark the day as a special one. And all the students who attended this event were presented with a memento as a token of appreciation.

For a majority of children coming from challenging backgrounds, mid-day meals are the only source of nutrition in a day. Support such children who need you by making an online donation. Your one contribution can change and transform the lives of children by giving them access to a better future.