Saving Lives and Spreading Smiles

Financial insufficiency and lack of opportunities push one towards economic, political and social deprivation. Consequently, they receive inadequate nutrition, run a higher risk of contracting diseases and lack access to basic healthcare facilities. 

If we don’t intervene, they may be stuck in this cycle for years together. 

So, what can save them? What are the essentials they need to survive? And how can we support them?

Food, Education, Shelter and Security

Food, education, shelter and security are the necessities for any individual to survive. If one can access these daily, it is enough to improve their lifestyle. But millions struggle without them and long for our support.

However, we may be caught up in our busy schedules, making it difficult to support the marginalised even though we have the heart to donate.

But here’s the good news!
We now have online platforms and NGOs that can help you save lives and spread smiles among the underprivileged people from where you are. 

How can you save lives through online platforms?

  • Raise your voice and create awareness on social media platforms. It will connect supporters and NGOs who can help the affected people through new programmes. 
  • Start fundraising campaigns with third-party websites and spread the word among your social network to contribute. Attach a description, if possible, to help them understand your motive behind the initiative.
  • You can purchase products online from brands that donate a portion of their earnings to charity.
  • The most convenient and commonly chosen method is to visit the websites of recognised NGOs and contribute to one of their programmes.

NGOs versus direct donations

When you donate to underprivileged individuals directly, you are helping them only for a day or two. But when you support NGOs, you let the experts invest your money to provide marginalised people with opportunities for long-term progress. Through the well-researched programmes, you not only help them survive but also enable them to learn, persevere and grow. Here’s how you can proceed.

  • Visit NGO websites and choose a cause close to your heart.
  • You can click on any programme and go through its description and impact.
  • Once you select one, make your donation with a few clicks.
  • Alternatively, you can also start fundraising campaigns with most of these NGOs.

One such recognised NGO in India is The Akshaya Patra Foundation. 

We started in 2000 by feeding 1,500 children in five Government schools of Bengaluru, Karnataka. Today, we serve unlimited and locally-palatable meals for the education of 20,10,516 (2 million) underprivileged children daily in 22,367 schools across 14 states and 2 union territories under the PM Poshan Abhiyaan (formerly known as the Mid-Day Meal Programme or MDM). 

Though we started with dedicated programmes for the welfare of children, we have also been able to help vulnerable families during the COVID-19 pandemic, disaster victims, nursing mothers, pregnant women and homeless mothers because of our donors across the world.

Benefits of feeding underprivileged children

  • When you feed underprivileged children, you not only guarantee their bright futures with unlimited food and education but also assure economic stability for their families. Your contribution will allow all their succeeding generations to continue moving forward toward success and prosperity. 
  • Your contribution towards the PM Poshan Abhiyaan (the new version of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme or MDM) will not only serve lunch to Government and Government-aided school children but also teach them to grow food through nutrition gardens. The new scheme provides supplementary nutrition for anaemic children where specialists frequently check the beneficiaries’ nutritional levels to prevent deficiencies and illnesses. Moreover, it also empowers women’s Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) by sourcing locally grown nutrition-rich food items. Hence, you will be supporting a revolutionary step towards a self-sufficient India.
  • Along with the joy of making an impact, you will receive monetary benefits. By supporting our NGO in India, you will avail a 50% tax exemption under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act as we are registered u/s 12A of the IT Act.

Donate to an NGO

Obstacles in your way of helping people are a thing of the past. Online donations have made it a matter of a few minutes.

So, let’s not wait to make India a happy country. Let’s contribute to make basic resources such as food, education and security easily available to everyone. Donate for a cause of your choice today!

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